I found this book earlier in the month looking through my library's new acquisitions list. I admit, I was drawn to the cover, and the lure of a historical fiction story. So I put a hold on it and it came in last week.
The novel tells the story of Bess, a girl in the 1620s, who learns how to become a witch from Gideon, the area warlock, after her mother is tried, convicted and hanged for being a witch. But instead of fleeing with him, she decides to make her way alone, and begins a game of cat and mouse, trying to keep away from Gideon. Besides her creation story, a couple other moments of Bess's life are presented to the reader, all sandwiched around present day (2007) journal entries.
The whole "creation" tale was done a bit different than I'm used it (though I've not read that much in the way of witch or wiccan story lines). Instead of being just born into the skill, its more of a learned skill and gift from another.
My favorite portions were those from Bess's past. Those flowed better for me, and the characters were more interesting. Even the stalker aspect that usually is a turn off for me in other books wasn't so off putting in this. But when those retellings ended and it rejoined the journal entries, it was more disjointed there, and had to readjust to the tone of the narration.
Its not a bad read, but I just wasn't enthralled with it. I didn't want to read because I wanted to know what happened next, but more so for finishing on the library deadline. I really enjoyed reading The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane a heck of alot more
I've seen this book around; the cover is hard to forget. Thanks for reviewing. I know to pass it up now..
For a library read it was fine. I'm just glad I didn't buy this one
Hey Sarah! Its Wendy from the Iditaread challenge.
I am on page 300 something of A Discovery of Witches!!! I am liking it but not loving it.
I have not read - The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, yet, it is on my TBR list.
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