Book Blogger Hop is runn by Crazy for Books. This week's question is: Do you belong to a book club, either online or in real life?
A: I am trying to get a book club started on an art forum that I visit. Several people were really keen on suggesting books for it, but so far they haven't been keen on participating. I don't belong to a real life book club. I wouldn't know the first thing about how to find one in my area, other than vague ones at the local Barnes and Nobles or the summer only one at the library. And then I would be very stubborn is a book was chose that I refuse to read. So there might be problems (my neighbor, who does some book clubs, told me I should join them when I told her I don't like being forced to read certain books).
HI, I am a new follower, and just wanted to let you know. If you want to see my post for this hop, you can find it here. http://concisebookreviewsbymichelle.blogspot.com/2012/06/book-blogger-hop-615.html
I was once invited to join a book club but I didn't care for any of the books they were choosing. Hard to find a good match!
Here's mine
Stopping by from the blog hop.
It is difficult when you "have" to read something you don't like. Actually, when I don't like the book, I just don't read it and tell them that I wasn't interested in it.
Silver's Reviews
Don't be discouraged about participation in the online one. I started one online too, bunch of people expressed interest and joined. A few dropped out right away; others stayed but are inactive. As it is, only four of us post with any kind of regularity. So, that's normal. We tailor our reading to this small core of 'loyalists'
If I could get 4 or even just three other people to participate, I'd be thrilled. So far I've only had one person participate in the last one, and another who is still working on the book. Some of the people have kids and/or a husband, so they have a little less time
If I actually find one, I would likely have to do that often, if they like it or not. Good thing about group reads on Shelfari or Goodreads, can just drop in or skip at any time.
That's what I fear. Usually, I don't want to read the popular books. Or don't want to read them just because everyone else is.
Hi, I'm Vickie and I do not belong to a formal
book club that reads the same book together bit I own and run an online book
tour company so I guess you could say several of us read the same book at the
same time but we each choose which of the books on tour we want to read and
then write reviews on them. Stop on by at TBR http://tbr-io.blogspot.com/ and
my two blogs and say hello.
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