Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mailbox Monday, What I'm Reading, and other sundry things

Mailbox Monday is a traveling meme host this January by Alyce of At Home With Books


Review: Hetaera--Suspense in Ancient Athens (Agathon's Daughter)

What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila of Book Journey


Currently Reading: The Kingmaking (Pendragon's Banner Series #1)The Princes of Ireland (The Dublin Saga, #1)The Great Gatsby

Up Next: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

And Sundry things...

  • I've gotten a little irritated with blogger's....tantrums lets call it. It has some glitch with coding, or who it lets comment, etc. I have hosting for other hobbies of mine, so I've decided to get over my issues with Wordpress, and will sometime during the year I will move over to it. I need to root through my files and find some of the saved WP layouts I have, design one then will redirect and let y'all know.
  • I will get to formally writing my review policy. It just hasn't happened yet.
  • January is a month for book reads/read-alongs for me. I owned several that were chosen for various Shelfari group reads, so that's what I'm doing. I have no idea if I will review any of them. Maybe just quick short ones. We'll see.
  • February I'll be back to reading and reviewing what I have for review- still have a bunch from Library Things member giveaways. Boy those seem to come in droves when you get them. But I will get through them. I just probably won't be accepting books for review until I get some headway on them.
  • I'm thinking of doing a Renaissance Man type of challenge. The Dewey Decimal one doesn't sound like what I want. I was thinking of aiming for reading a certain number of books in different genres. Mostly because last year I let some things like history and classics slide from my reading list. Please let me know if something like this already exist.
  • If you want to see my 2012 challenges, there is a tag for that, in the sidebar.