Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday Snapshot - October 15

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books

I had to go up yesterday to Bishop for work, so on the way back down today, I stopped at Manzanar National Historic Site. Manzanar is infamous as one of 10 relocation camps where Japanese Americans were forced to move to after FDR signed Executive Order 9066. That order allowed the War Department to designate military zones and remove anyone deemed a possible threat from those zones. NPS states almost 120,000 Japanese Americans were forced from their homes in the West Coast states, into one of the ten camps.

Monument in the camp cemetery

Remains of Rose Park/Pleasure Park/Merritt Park
Click here to see the Pleasure Park as it was in 1943

Prior to the camp, the area was occupied by the Owens Valley Piaute, and the town of Manzanar was established in 1910. The camp area was used as orchards and farms prior to the camp's construction.

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