Posting this early since I will be on my way to Lancaster for work not so bright and early tomorrow.
I got tired of waiting for one of the libraries to have The Song of Achilles. So figures that a few days after I bought it, guess what popped up on the LA county overdrive? *rollseyes*
I also got myself some Nook books as an early birthday present to myself. Pottermore Shop has opened, so you can get e-books and audiobooks for download. Alas, you cannot get the UK ebooks when you live in the US.
What I'm Reading is hosted by Sheila of Book Journey.
Last week, I finished reading:

I am currently reading:

Up next is:

I'd love to have more to post today, but I've got a birthday party in a couple hours for my nephew and have to get things ready so I can 1) be able to leave the house by 5am tomorrow and 2)hopefully have time to watch Game of Thrones tonight. Will be working on another batch of mini-reviews of audio books for later in the week. And if you are curious, I did update my Where are you reading? page and map last night. Link is in the sidebar if interested.
You broke down and bought e-copies of the Harry Potter books I see :-) I'm using all my will power to wait until I'm ready for a re-read, but I think my resolve is weakening *LOL* Thankfully since I live in Canada the UK HP books are the ones that are available to me *yippee*
Looking forward to your thoughts on The Sealed Letter.
What did you think of The Winter King? Will you be posting a review?
The good thing about the HP e-books is it doesn't do a grand omnibus type of e-book, you get them all separately. And if it reloads the order page when trying to check out, you will need to call your credit card company. Mine wouldn't authorize it, since it was an overseas site, until I talked to them.
I am liking the Winter King. Since it's an audio book and has a good reader, it moves very well. Only thing is it seemed the section covering his road to kingship was very short, which seemed a bit odd. But that may be how he wrote it. It doesn't seem like it is entirely linear. The different parts back track a bit for the theme they are on. I can try to review it. I'm only about half way, but will probably get a goodly amount listened to tomorrow.
How did you find the Sealed Letter? I liked it but thought the first half was a bit slow.
I have Song of Achilles checked out from the library at the moment, I have high hopes for it despite not knowing much about the Trojan War. There's always time to learn!
Looks like some interesting reads! I haven't read any of them but I hope you enjoyed/enjoy!
Sounds like you'll be busy! Hope you're enjoying The Leftovers. I want to read that after I read Little Children by the same author.
Have a great week!
Sounds like you will be busy. You got some great books on your reading pile. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks so much for stopping by and linking your blog.I am looking forward to reading it.
The Leftovers is my first by Perrotta, but I think I will probably look up more of his works when I get through some of my others. Its very interesting so far, and makes wonder where its going, since its not a plot driven novel
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That was basically what I thought of The Sealed Letter. I enjoyed the first half more, and once it reached the start of the divorce proceedings, I started loosing interest.
I have pretty good luck with the Greek Mythology based novels, so I've got high hopes for it too. I don't know too much either, and when I read Starcrossed, it just reminding me that I've not read any Homer yet. Some day...
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